What does it look like to make the most of my life?
What does it look like to just be?
Who am I?
It may seem overly cliche to start anything worth while off with some of the deepest questions life has to offer. But the truth is that we all have these thoughts in the backs of our minds, whether we’ve consciously or subconsciously minded it. So Why Not?
HELLO WORLD! I’ve officially entered the blogging realm. Aside from wanting to throw out some deep Q’s that have probably already got you in a trance of thought, there is a method to the madness so to speak, which should you continue to take this journey with me, you will begin to see more.
I say “take this journey with me” because this new adventure for me with blogging and how I got here is my journey too. For a while I had the idea of starting a blog come to me a couple years ago. At the time, I didn’t want it to become something that I did maybe once or twice and never thought about it again. If there’s one thing you should know about me is that I’m a very committed person to anything that I put my hand too. I’m very loyal to people and things I’m involved with (sometimes to a fault). I’m all in or not at all. So if I didn’t believe I could commit to blogging, I didn’t want any parts of it.
However, looking back on the difference between then and now, I’ve come to see that it just wasn’t the time to begin this part of my journey. What changed for me was when I began to realize that I wanted to show everyone more insight into the main categories: Who I am. What I do (my expertise, living, careers, whatever you want to call it), what I’ve learned along the way thru the highs and lows, struggles, valleys and mountain tops, and how you or someone you know who can apply it to their life. While I like to pray, plan and think through this process or any process for that matter, I want to keep this as real and authentic as I possibly can.
With all this being said, you will get to see and know sides of me you either didn’t realize as much or didn’t know at all, step into my life, hear details about my story about how I got to where I am now that you probably never knew before. I do want to put a disclaimer about my faith specifically. I encourage you that even if you are not a believer in God, Jesus or anything for that matter, please don’t let my here-and-there “religious” terms and names push you away. We are in such a special time to be alive thru this digital age where literally we are able to communicate and share everything more easily and honestly than ever before. And because of that, aside from wanting to keep things real and authentic, I encourage you do just hear my story and the principles that come from what I’ve learned that I believe literally ANYONE can apply to their own situation, circumstance or crisis. I believe what I will share will especially helpful for anyone who is dissatisfied with their career, job, purpose etc and wants to do something to change it yet maybe isn’t sure how to go about that.
I like to keep things real and genuine, so if you would prefer something very surface-level, superficial and manufactured, I suggest that this may not be for you. But I ask if you’re truly open-minded and/or you’re someone who loves sincereness, then I say, “Come along with me”. Don’t expect perfection, but expect my very best as this is a new endeavor for me. The first 3 questions I started this blog post off with are basically the backbone of the themes that will empower my blog. There will be practical elements, along with mental, emotional and spiritual themes. The bottom line is that you will get to know me better than before as a result of this starting of a debut into a new realm.
- PS I desire that this blog keeps a good measure of interactivity from you all, my followers on social media and in business. Therefore I strongly encourage comments and feedback (positive and constructive criticism). I have so much to share and with your input on what you want from me, I don’t think I’m wrong when I say that I can assure you that there won’t be any shortage of things to talk about. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Be sure to stay tuned for my next blog post. Stay Curious ;)
Much love
Joe Gardonis