Well, well, well if it isn’t a new blog from Joey G! I just figured it was time to get everyone caught up on what has happened with my life since I last wrote a blog post back in 2020. Frankly, A LOT has happened. My seemingly mundane life during the pandemic suddenly has morphed into a fast-paced, transitory adventure. I could go into long, highly attentive detail about every single event, but that would literally take a short novel to get through all of that (no exaggeration) but I will try to keep this as brief yet telling as possible. Get the popcorn out, sit back and enjoy! If there’s one thing that I can say regarding all of this, it’s that everything turned out alright in the end. Because really, it did!
As most of you know, I studied for real estate back in 2020 and got my license in May 2021. It was during that time I was studying that I began dating a young lady named Katelin. We got engaged and then married on March 19, this past year. You can read about our relationship story at our wedding website that also includes the video of our proposal. See it here! We are doing very well and still love (and like) each other more so than the day we said, “I do”. What most don’t know is what it took for us to get to this point. It’s not because of relational/personal matters. We get along very well and are still crazy about each other. It's been “Life” that made things more difficult at times.
There have been numerous trials to work through from Day 1. My grandmother suddenly passed away in February 2021 while Katelin and I missed each other during the year that our relationship was long distance. We saw each other about every 2-3 weeks, talked and FaceTimed as much as we could but still, it was hard. I spent much of the time we were apart knowing that I would be moving away from Pittsburgh for the first time ever in my life, so I vowed to enjoy every moment from my little apartment on Fawcett Avenue, to quality time with my family and friends. Oh, Katelin and I were also in a car accident on Thanksgiving Day 2021 that resulted in her car being totaled. We ended up getting her a new car 2 days before Christmas that year as she was at the tail-end of recovering from Covid (don’t worry she followed quarantine protocol and wasn’t contagious when we got the car).
This was our fancy date at the Lemont, just a day after our car accident.
Just having a silly moment in the midst of the chaos! 🤪😂
Solid finish to 2021, but now let’s jump to 2022! I encountered a job scam a couple of months before we got married, and I got contracted a nasty stomach bug a week before our wedding. Katelin was also in the middle of the most difficult part of her medical schooling to date. She did her core rotations plus major shelf exams for each course and other major exams all the way until a week before our wedding. The wedding was the best day of our lives of course that we will never forget, but after Katelin and I got married and came back from our honeymoon, we had to prepare to move down to DC and I had a closing to attend for my final real estate transaction in PA. It was a very busy way to start our marriage off. We had to start our lives anew, our routines, our finances and even find a new church. Katelin’s schedule and rotations that she had to complete in what was her final year of medical school were constantly changing so there was always some level of adjustment and adaption that took place. It was also a process for us to figure out what was best for my career going forward. To be honest, I applied for jobs and went on several interviews for different companies. However, I found no good fits and decided to just keep doing what I had to do to grow business in the DMV, while working on getting my real estate license for Maryland. Then the pinnacle of our difficulties came to a head when in late July, Katelin’s car broke down in the middle of nowhere in North Carolina at night while we were on our way to a wedding near Atlanta, GA.
Well now, you might be thinking “Gee, Joe. You sure have talked a lot about difficulties and hardships! Is there anything good that happened?!”. The best part is here, and it wasn’t just me finding the love of my life and getting married. What follows is the summary of the “in-spite-ofs”.
My first brand design client out of the DMV! leadership4success.co
Overtime, I found that picking up new brand design clients for my first business J Graphic Communications LLC in the DMV was the best thing I could do for providing for my wife and I. I recently joined a fast-growing networking group called Nexco National Loudon County Chapter out of Northern Virginia, met so many wonderful business professionals and already got new clients from the group. The same week after our car broke down in North Carolina, I passed my Maryland Real Estate license exam and got my license, under Coldwell Banker Realty in Bethesda with my newly formed personal brand for realty called Joseph Gardonis Homes Advantage. As for the car, there was an extended warranty on the engine which failed us, so we ended up getting a brand-new engine for free and had essentially all expenses incurred from that affair reimbursed. Speaking of church, through a one-in-a-billion chance, we found a church home we love from the pastor to the people who have welcomed us in as family. To close 2022 out, after numerous relocations, pandemic-induced delays, long hours of studying, working, all-day exams, residency applications, Katelin finished medical school in early December. She’s an MD! Hello! She’s my superhero and I couldn’t be prouder of her! But wait, there’s more! I had my first transaction for real estate in Maryland that closed 5 days before Christmas. And it was a $1.175 million property. Talk about putting an exclamation point at the end of the statement!
For Katelin and I, we’ve had some of the most difficult times of our lives. Yet, at the same time, we’ve had the greatest of times in which we can’t help but be thankful for. We got married, we began our lives in a new city and got settled in, advanced further in our careers. Yes, life hasn’t always been easy, and has put unique pressures on us that take more years for couples to go through. But we are okay. And not just ok, but better, stronger, well-bonded, and secure than ever before. We know that this isn’t over yet and there are still uncertainties ahead as we wait to hear where her residency will be, but the most important things that we take comfort in are that we still have each other, and above all things, God is truly faithful. It’s because of Him that we’ve continually overcome each obstacle, had all that we’ve needed provided for us, and have been at peace despite fill-in-the-blank. I can go on and on to the point of a near arrogant sort of confidence in how sure I am that God will take of us, and anyone who truly puts their trust in Him. In steadfast, if there’s one thing that I can say regarding all of this, it’s that everything turned out alright in the end. Because really, it did!
📸 by our Pastor, Curt Allen!
***Congratulations and THANK YOU if you really took the time to read this entire post! We have a special announcement coming very soon! Keep an eye open!
MUCH LOVE!❤️❤️❤️